Every sane person, before starting a business, thinks why he needs it! As a rule, enterprises are registered to carry out activities whose ultimate goal is to generate income. But there is a long way between starting a business and earning income, and it begins with the registration of an enterprise.
Registration of an enterprise, in turn, begins with the choice of its organizational and legal form. In order not to make a mistake with the legal form, it is better to consult with an experienced specialist.
Our lawyers will help you decide and choose the legal form of the company being created, as well as answer all your questions related to the process of registering an enterprise, advise on both the advantages and disadvantages of each organizational and legal form.
Depending on which form you choose (LLC, CJSC, OJSC or individual entrepreneur), the registration process will require a different number of steps. Some of them are unpleasant and/or require a lot of time and/or nerves.
The general registration scheme is as follows
(we can undertake any or all stages in a complex):
- Preparation of a protocol on the establishment of an enterprise and the election of a director (Word / Excel format) and entering information about the founders and director into the protocol
- Preparing a form for registering an enterprise (Word/Excel format) and entering information into it
- Preparation of the charter (Word/Excel format) and entering information into the charter
- Preparation of the act (Word/Excel format) and entering information into the act
- Preparation of an application for the production of a seal (Word / Excel format) and entering information into the application
- Certification by a notary of signatures on charters
- Certification by a notary of powers of attorney (if necessary)
- Certification by a notary of copies of powers of attorney (if necessary)
- Registration in the district administration and obtaining a certificate of state registration
- Registration in the Department of Statistics and obtaining a certificate of registration
- Registration with the regional tax office and obtaining a 4-OPP certificate
- Registration in the pension fund and obtaining a certificate of registration
- Registration in the social insurance fund against industrial accidents and obtaining a certificate of registration
- Registration in the social insurance fund for temporary disability and obtaining a certificate of registration
- Registration at the employment center and obtaining a certificate of registration
- Submission of documents for VAT or single tax (at the client's oral request)
- Certification by a notary of copies of the certificate of state registration of the enterprise
- Obtaining permission to make a seal, ordering and making a company seal
- Certification by a notary of copies of the charter
- Certification by a notary of signatures on bank cards
- Provision of information about the location and contacts of the bank, preparation of documents (at the client's oral request)
Amendments to constituent documents.
Amendments to the statutory documents
— making changes to change the director
– services for registering changes in the composition of the founders
– registration of changes in the size of the authorized capital
— change of legal address
- name change
- change in activities (KVED)
Additional services
– Obtaining an Extract (Vityag) from the USR (Unified State Register)
– Obtaining an extract from the USR (Unified State Register)