Types of lawyers

Enforcement attorney

Enforcement attorney

To complete a civil case or economic process, you need to execute court decisions. At the stage of enforcement proceedings, the assistance of a lawyer is often necessary, ...
Copyright Lawyer

Copyright protection

Intellectual property is considered to be a temporary indisputable right, which is enshrined on a legal basis and relates to human activity in the non-material sphere. Lawyers and...
Corporate Lawyer Advocate

Corporate Lawyer Advocate

A corporate lawyer will provide assistance in the form of legal advice on legal matters. He will take part in the drafting of treaties, contracts, agreements, letters, ...
Lawyer for arms trafficking

Lawyer for arms trafficking

The issues of acquisition, storage and circulation of weapons can be optimized by contacting the appropriate lawyer-lawyer. In our time, the use of self-defense against violators of the law ...
immigration lawyer

immigration lawyer

If you decide to get rid of economic or other problems and discomfort through immigration, you need to soberly assess the consequences of this decision. AT ...
Credit Lawyer

Loan lawyer

Loans are always a risk factor, both for clients and for those who issue cash assistance. In this domain ...
Customs lawyer

Customs lawyer

A lawyer who specializes in customs matters can help you if you have to defend your interests in the courtroom for various ...
Lawyer for business

business lawyer

A good lawyer is an indispensable person in business, because transactions, documents, decisions are made at his suggestion. He always holds his hand...
Paternity Lawyer

Paternity Lawyer

Paternity, it turns out, is not always a voluntary and easy matter, sometimes it requires evidence that must be taken in court. Establishing...
Alimony Lawyer

Alimony Lawyer

On the amount of alimony, the form and procedure for their payment and other things that relate to such a case, the parties may agree on the basis of ...
Parental termination lawyer

Parental termination lawyer

Sometimes deprivation of parental rights is necessary or the only measure. The main asset of any country is the younger generation. That is why the law is always...
Accident Lawyer

Accident Lawyer

There is a need to protect their interests in an accident. Nowadays, a car is not a luxury, but a necessary means of transportation. At times...
Debt collection lawyer

Debt collection lawyer

A debt collection lawyer is a lawyer who takes a number of actions that can influence non-payers, as a result ...
Insurance Lawyer

insurance lawyer

It is recommended to use the services of lawyers in situations where knowledge of the law is needed. Lawyers can also provide services to the insurance industry. In their...
Inheritance lawyer

Inheritance lawyer

Lawyers who specialize in inheritance law can provide you with advice on drawing up a will, registration of inheritance in any form, ...
real estate lawyer

real estate lawyer

The help of a lawyer in some situations can be very valuable. Especially when it comes to professional legal assistance in real estate matters. Lawyers for...
Lawyer for the division of property

Lawyer for the division of property

The services of a specialist who is competent in matters of division of property can be used at different stages of family life. The property, which is located in a joint ...
Family law attorney

Family Lawyer

There may come a time in people's lives when they have to resolve family disputes in court. Such periods are associated with moments that morally ...
divorce lawyer

divorce lawyer

A divorce lawyer is a professional in the field of this type of legal relationship, such as family. It may be necessary for...
Criminal Lawyer

criminal lawyer

If you need a lawyer in a criminal case, then you need to contact a lawyer who has permission to deal with ...