The issues of acquisition, storage and circulation of weapons can be optimized by contacting the appropriate lawyer-lawyer. In our time, the use of self-defense against violators of the law is a common case and the main means of protection is, of course, weapons. Therefore, in such cases, it is advisable to use the services of a lawyer who provides legal services in the field of arms trafficking among citizens.
Up to ten percent of the male population of Ukraine, one way or another, are involved in the interest around the issue of weapons. Up to one percent of the population owns hunting weapons. Basically, nominal hunting weapons are used for protection.
There is also a list of restricted handling of objects and materials, such as firearms, gas, cold, pneumatic and also ammunition for various types of weapons (firearms and gas).
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is the competent authority that supervises and issues permits for the circulation of weapons. To do this, he established a special procedure that regulates the manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, accounting of weapons. As well as the procedure for the use of special items, materials and substances that are limited in use by citizens. This also includes workshops and laboratories, their opening and functioning. Such a permit system exists in order to protect citizens and protect the interests of the state.
For those who participate in the legal relations of the licensing system, there is a legal right to manufacture, repair and acquire weapons in the prescribed manner, as well as the right to transport, use, carry them, including the storage of objects, materials and substances restricted in circulation.
The classification of weapons is carried out as indicated in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated August 21, 1998 No. 622. According to this order, weapons can be firearms, combat rifled firearms, outdated small arms, training firearms, sports firearms, hunting firearms, pneumatic and cold weapons. In addition to this classification, the system, which is regulated by the state, also includes live cartridges that are used in rifled firearms of various calibers, cartridges for hunting weapons, gunpowder, capsules.
The state also regulates age limits for the right to use weapons. So, in order to purchase a firearms smoothbore hunting rifle, you must be at least 21 years old. And only at the age of 25 you can buy firearms hunting rifled weapons. At the age of 18, gas pistols, revolvers and, accordingly, cartridges for such types of weapons that are loaded with tear and irritant substances may be available to you. Also, from the age of 18, it is already allowed to use edged weapons and pneumatic weapons (caliber over 4.5 mm with a bullet speed over 100 meters per second).
Before you buy a weapon, you need to obtain permission for such an action. Permission to purchase weapons is issued by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A permit for the storage and carrying of weapons, which are considered award and for rifled weapons, is issued by the Administrative Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv and the region and the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the regions. And on a hunting smooth-bore, pneumatic cold UMVD of Ukraine of the city in which the owner of the weapon lives.
To make it possible to obtain a permit for a weapon, for its storage, acquisition, use or to obtain its re-registration, documents at the place of residence are submitted to the relevant authorities of the permit system, such as an application card, a petition from the hunters' society in which you are a member. A medical examination is also required and a certificate must be provided stating that a mandatory preventive drug examination has been passed. This also includes a document that indicates that the study of the material part of the weapon has been completed. It requires payment for services that are associated with the issuance of such a permit and the conclusion of a medical treatment institution that no contraindications have been identified that prevent the possession of weapons.
Before a commission is passed, giving a conclusion about the possibility of using the right to acquire, store and use weapons, the person who wishes must show certificates from the local hospital that he is not registered with a narcologist and psychiatrist, as well as from a therapist about his health. If certificates are received, the next step is to submit to the registrar documents that prove identity, a military ID and a 3 by 4 photo. Then a medical examination is passed and, in the absence of contraindications, a certificate is issued. And only after such checks do they give the right or refuse to purchase weapons.
In what cases do I deny a citizen the right to a weapon? Of course, this may be the case when a person has not reached the age at which such an action is allowed.
Well, the state of health can be a reason for refusal. A citizen receives a refusal if he has repeatedly violated public order and there is information about this. This includes alcohol abuse and drug use. Moreover, a person is refused if he was charged with having committed a criminal offense or was convicted and deprived of liberty. Citizens who have not been expunged or canceled their conviction for a criminal offense are also denied, in particular, if a weapon was used during its commission. A refusal is also accompanied by a request for the use of weapons by persons convicted on probation or whose execution of the sentence has been suspended or they have been sentenced to probationary work. A refusal is also received by a person who does not comply with the rules for storing weapons.
There is a category of citizens who, in accordance with the Decree of the Verkhovna Rada, are allowed to carry firearms. This category includes people's deputies, persons holding certain positions in the Verkhovna Rada. Among the persons who are allowed to use firearms are persons who have been awarded personalized weapons, in accordance with the Decree of the President.
A citizen who owns a weapon must know the rules for its storage. Due to ignorance or non-use of storage rules, a citizen is refused. So, firearms, pneumatic and edged weapons must be stored in those places where their owner lives permanently. In addition, it must be stored in specially made weapons storage cabinets and the weapon must be disassembled, unloaded and kept separate from the ammunition. But if there is a real threat of forced entry into housing or a threat of attack, then the citizen who owns the weapon can store it in an assembled state. But only during the period when there is a clear threat to his life or the integrity of his property.
A necessary condition for the storage of weapons is the lack of access to weapons by unauthorized persons and especially children.
There are cases when a person acquires a weapon as a result inheritance of property from relatives. In this case, the order of inheritance changes slightly. Within ten days, the heir must hand over rifled and smooth-bore weapons for storage to the internal affairs bodies, until the issue of inheritance is completely resolved. No more than six months must have passed from the date of submission of the application. When the issue of inheriting a weapon is resolved, the weapon is registered in the name of the heir or it is sold within a period of no more than one month. Its owner must be a person who has a weapons permit.
In some cases, if necessary, temporary storage of weapons can be obtained if there is no right to use them by others. In this case, the permit indicates that it was issued for temporary storage without the right to use it.
The law allows the use of firearms in order to protect against unlawful encroachments. And if the weapon was used specifically for the purpose of protection, then regardless of the outcome of the use, this is not a crime. Cases of attack can be an attack by an armed citizen or a whole group of armed citizens, preventing penetration into a residential area. Or it is not a crime to use a weapon if the person who used it used the weapon for protection, as a result of a strong fright that caused public unrest.
The legislation of Ukraine provides for liability for violating the laws of storage and use of weapons. Liability can be both administrative and criminal.