The company needs the support of employees and the qualitative fulfillment of their obligations by the latter.
This affects the efficiency of the company.
To do this, the company needs legal support of the labor process, the result of which is the efficient use of labor, allowing the company to successfully operate in the market.
We provide legal support for the labor processwhich includes:
- registration of employment of the workforce: drawing up employment contracts, job descriptions, orders, staffing tables and other documents necessary for organizing the work process
- obtaining work permits (in case of hiring foreigners)
- advising on all issues and requirements of labor legislation
- legal support of wages
- negotiations on working conditions and representation in courts in labor disputes
The performance of the company depends on the effectiveness of the performance of employees of their duties. The relationship between the employer and the employee is formalized by an employment contract, which is a condition for the emergence of labor relations between the employee and the employer and determines the individual conditions under which the employee works for the employer.
After you select a candidate for a certain position, our task is to draw up an employment contract and negotiate with the employee to agree on the terms of the employment contract.
The importance of this document in corporate practice cannot be overestimated. It is the employment contract that the court will first of all examine when considering a labor dispute, it will be required by the inspector of the state labor inspectorate, and relations with the employees of your company will be built on its basis.
The most important document is the internal labor regulations, through which each employee, representative of the administration is informed of their rights and obligations in relation to each other. This is a very important document that declares and defines in general terms the order of labor relations between the administration and employees.
We will prepare internal labor regulations that meet the goals of your company. We do not recommend that you use the PWTP template, they may not correspond to the structure and organization of your company. The need to regulate the rights and obligations of employees is growing as their number in the company increases, the complexity of production and information relations, and the scope of their duties expands. The rules are a permanent local act, so their content must be stable and not subject to frequent adjustments. And for this they must initially be carefully designed.
For both the employer and the employee, it is important to organize the payment of wages. The payment of wages in the company should solve the problem of ensuring the highly productive work of employees. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the current state of wages from the point of view of how much it stimulates labor productivity and ensures a decent lifestyle for workers, and then determines the directions for its improvement. It is important to correctly legalize the remuneration of labor, its amount and frequency of payment, since delays in payment, inconsistencies in the amount of wages with the requirements established by law, increase the risk of being held liable and imposing fines on the employer.
One of the main priorities in the work of a successful enterprise in the market is the organization of labor protection. The serious attitude of the company's administration to this problem can significantly reduce the risk of accidents at work, as a result of which the employee loses his ability to work, and the company itself suffers losses. For the effective operation of the enterprise, a purposeful definition of powers and a systematic organization of labor protection are necessary. Well-planned and implemented occupational safety measures reduce the risk of accidents and the possibility of harm to health, ensure that stoppages in the production process and the associated production costs are eliminated.
Our lawyers are ready to assist in the organization of the labor protection management system at the enterprise, in particular: to develop a long-term plan of measures to improve the state of labor protection at the enterprise, develop or examine local acts on labor protection operating in the organization, prepare draft orders, magazines, forms of acts and other documentation, to assist in the preparation of documentation for the certification of workplaces, to consult on the performance of the functions of the labor protection service, the investigation of accidents at work, the use of funds from the labor protection fund, etc.
Unfortunately, in the process of labor relations between the employer and the employee, it is difficult to avoid labor disputes. The reasons for the latter are very diverse: workers claim to increase wages, allowances, benefits, vacation time, improve living conditions at work, disagreements between the employee and the employer regarding the application of laws and other regulations containing labor law norms, and the practice of their application, psychological conflict between superior and subordinate.
The specificity and complexity of labor legislation and labor disputes in particular require the participation of lawyers. Our lawyers/attorneys will represent your interests in resolving labor disputes.