To complete a civil case or economic process, you need to execute court decisions. At the stage of enforcement proceedings, it is often necessary to have the help of a lawyer who has the knowledge and experience to provide legal support for the process in the final stage.
Sometimes it is better to consult a lawyer to make a legal assessment of the actions of bailiffs. A lawyer will help you when you need to represent your interests in enforcement proceedings, as well as release your seized property. With the help of a lawyer, you can get an appeal against the actions or inactions of the state executor. Or in case of missed deadlines for the presentation of a writ of execution for its execution. A lawyer can obtain a delay in the execution of court decisions. Its activities may be aimed at providing executive documents for execution or to control execution.
The scope of activities and capabilities of a lawyer engaged in enforcement proceedings may include the search for debtors, their property and assets. He will competently acquaint you with the materials of the enforcement proceedings and assess the prospects that you have, according to the court decision, and will also accompany all the actions of the executor of the judgment.
In the course of implementing enforcement decisions, it may be necessary to prepare and submit counter-statements, complaints or requests that accompany your case or legally evaluate certain documents. And if it is in your interests, then the lawyer will achieve the suspension of enforcement proceedings. Sometimes there is a need to apply to the court for the execution of decisions of foreign courts in Ukraine, an experienced lawyer will understand this issue.
Legal assistance is always assistance, which is based on a fundamental knowledge of the laws of Ukraine. Therefore, the lawyer will provide support for the payment of funds that must be paid according to the enforcement decision or negotiation that relates to issues of voluntary enforcement of what the court has decided. Or help in terms of compensation for the damage caused by the actions of bailiffs.
So, if the court has already made a decision on the dispute, and you have not yet received money or property that is collected by the court in your favor or the person who is the defendant in your case is in no hurry to fulfill legal obligations, then the practice of lawyers shows that you are still far from solution to your issue. Your efforts may be in vain due to the defendants' evasion of court decisions and the unsatisfactory work of court executors. This practice is often found due to the imperfection of the executive procedural legislation. And barriers can become insurmountable for a person ignorant of the laws. Therefore, legal assistance in speeding up the process of enforcement proceedings or control over enforcement proceedings will be very helpful.
It often happens that, having won the case, you do not achieve the expected result, but only add problems to yourself, since the work of bailiffs often comes down to a simple statement of the fact that the debtor is absent at the address or that the debt cannot be returned.
The lawyer will make sure that you will benefit from any outcome of the case on the part of law enforcement agencies. Because the lawyer will make a professional examination of the debtor's property, control the executive service in the proper performance of its work, and even achieve recovery for damage caused by inaction or incorrect actions of the performers.
Lawyers strongly recommend not to leave without close attention the conduct of the case by bailiffs. Control over bailiffs should be combined with an independent search for debtors. Helping executive production - you help yourself!