The legislation of Ukraine provides for equal rights and obligations of foreigners and citizens of Ukraine in the field of labor relations. At the same time, foreign citizens can be engaged in labor activity in Ukraine only on the basis of a work permit in Ukraine.
Registration of a foreigner to work in Ukraine without an appropriate permit threatens to expel the latter from Ukraine. But an employer who hired a foreigner without an appropriate permit is punished with a fine in the amount of fifty non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens for each foreigner hired without a work permit.
In order to avoid the risks of expulsion and payment of fines, one should adhere to the law and obtain an appropriate work permit before a foreigner starts working in Ukraine. In this regard, we will inform you about the current legislation in the field of employment of foreigners, the procedure for obtaining a work permit, as well as prepare and submit the necessary package of documents to the employment center and obtain a permit.
To obtain a work permit, the following documents are required:
- notarized copy of the certificate of state registration of a business entity
- notarized copy of the Charter of the business entity
- original permit (if that permit is being renewed)
- original certificate of the State Tax Inspection (district) on payment by the employer of taxes and fees prescribed by law, as well as on the absence of debt to the budget of Ukraine
- original certificate of the Federal Law (district) on payment by the employer of taxes and fees provided for by law, as well as on the absence of debt to the budget of Ukraine
- a copy of the report in the form No. 3-PN for the last reporting period with the mark of the Federal Law certified by the subject of entrepreneurial activity
- notarized copies of the minutes of the meeting of participants, the decision of the owner, or the original order of appointment
- a copy of the draft contract between the employer and the employee (foreign citizen) certified by the business entity
- justification of the need to use the work of a foreigner and the possibility of creating appropriate conditions for him to stay at work
- original receipt of payment of the fee in the amount of 4 minimum wages
- a certificate signed by the employer and stamped that the workplace or position where the labor of a foreign citizen will be used, according to the law, is not related to belonging to the citizenship of Ukraine and does not need to be granted access to state secrets
- certified by the translation agency copies of documents of a foreign citizen on education or qualifications with translation
- a copy of the foreign passport of a foreign citizen
- place of residence of a foreigner in Kyiv, position for which a permit is required, special professional qualities of a foreign citizen
- a copy of the identification number of a foreign citizen
- original certificate of no criminal record of a foreign citizen
- certificate of the authorized body of the country of origin (residence) that the foreign citizen, who at the time of issuing the permit is outside Ukraine, is not serving a sentence for the crime committed and is not under investigation
- two color photographs 3.5x4.5 cm in size
- power of attorney
A work permit is issued for one year and, if necessary, can be extended. If you have already received such a permit, but it has expired, we will extend it, and if you were previously denied a work permit, we will receive it by re-submitting documents.