Sometimes deprivation of parental rights is necessary or the only measure.
The main asset of any country is the younger generation. That is why the law always guards the interests of its smallest citizens. If the participants in the life of the child, and especially the closest of them, who are the mother and father for the child, commit an offense, then such a parent is deprived of parental rights. Depriving citizens of the right to be parents is a measure that is taken by the court in that case. when the parents, or one of them, commits a criminal offense against the life or health of the child.
Such an action is regulated by the Family Code, and it necessarily takes place in the courtroom.
During the procedure in court, such issues as deprivation of parental rights of the mother or father of the child, appeal to the court authorities with the aim of depriving someone of parental rights can be resolved.
You can find out from a parental rights attorney what consequences the termination of parental rights can have.
The court decides where and how the further life of a child whose parents have been deprived of parental rights will proceed. Also, in court, you can achieve the restoration of your parental rights or adopt a child, taking on the responsibility of raising someone else's child.
It is necessary to understand the reasons why parents are deprived of their right to raise their child. This can happen if the parents still do not take any part in the life and upbringing of the child. Parents are deprived of their rights if the facts of cruelty to the child are confirmed.
Parents who are chronic alcoholics or are registered as drug addicts in the dispensary, the court has the right to deprive parental rights.
Nowadays, there are cases when child labor is exploited, a child is forced to be a beggar - this is also a condition for deprivation of parental rights. Not to mention real intentional crimes against a child's life.
It must be warned that parents may be deprived of their rights in relation to one of the children that they have, and in relation to all children.
One of the parents who is outraged by the actions of the other parent can apply to the court. This can be done by the child's guardian or adoptive parents. Such action may also be taken by the child welfare authorities or health authorities who have discovered that a child has been abused. Special institutions for children, relatives who actually bring up the child, and even the child himself, if he is already 14 years old, can apply to the court with such a claim.
Together with the deprivation of parental rights, the court considers the case on to collect child support from parents.
What is the learning of a child after one of the parents is deprived of parental rights? In this case, he can stay with the other parent, and if this is not possible, then the child can be transferred to the grandfather or grandmother. The same right to raise a child who has been deprived of parental rights has older brothers and sisters who have reached the age of majority, as well as other relatives, among whom may be the stepmother or stepfather of the child.
To deprive a citizen of parental rights, it is imperative to go to court for this. The prosecutor and guardianship authorities also take part in this action. At such a court hearing, the issue of alimony payment can also be decided. Depriving a citizen of parental rights does not relieve him of the obligation to support him.
The state always stands for the protection of the child’s property rights, therefore the child retains the right to use housing, the right inherit, even if both parents are deprived of parental rights.
Parents can change for the better, this is possible as a result of awareness of their behavior or there may be other factors that will influence their positive change. But the competence of the court includes the restoration of parents in their right to engage in the upbringing of their child. In such cases, the prosecutor and guardianship authorities must necessarily take part. It should be noted that when restoring parents in their rights, you need to ask the child himself if he is already 10 years old.
But parents cannot be restored in their legal right to parenthood if the child already calls other people dad and mom.