Each of us at least once faced with the injustice of state bodies. Someone could not submit documents during working hours, they were not accepted from someone without good reason, the territorial community refused to lease land to someone, and someone was groundlessly denied privatization, and much more. Of course, you can try with several attempts to exercise your right, but sometimes this does not help.
The legislation of Ukraine in such cases provides for the possibility to protect their rights and interests by going to court.
Thus, everyone has the right to apply to the court for the protection of their personal non-property or property rights and interests.
Complaint about illegal actions of officials
Complaints about unlawful actions of officials can be filed:
- to a higher authority by way of administrative appeal, or
- directly to court
Protection methods
Protection methods can be:
- recognition of illegal decisions, actions or inactivity of a state authority or local government, their officials and officials
- compensation at the expense of the state or local self-government bodies of material and moral damage caused by illegal decisions, actions or inaction of public authorities, local self-government bodies, their officials and officials in the exercise of their powers
These norms provide for appealing against decisions, actions or inactivity of a local government body or an executive body in court. At the same time, it should be remembered that the court must give a legal assessment of their compliance with the requirements of the law, but is not empowered to resolve issues within the competence of the relevant state bodies.
Our lawyers and lawyers will prepare and file a lawsuit to declare illegal decisions, actions or inaction of a public authority, as well as a claim for compensation at the expense of the state or local governments of material and moral damage.
You are not required to prove the illegality of the actions or inaction of an official - this is the function of the court, but you need to prove the fact of a violation. To do this, the court needs to collect, prepare and present evidence of the violation.
Our lawyers will help to collect evidence of the fact of violation by state authorities and present it in the required form.
Only if it is proved that the fact of violation by a public authority has taken place, the court can oblige the defendant to fully eliminate the violations related to the restriction of your rights and freedoms and compensate for the losses and moral damage.
We will be happy to help you appeal in court against the illegal actions of officials, eliminate violations and compensate for the damage you have suffered in connection with the illegal actions of state authorities.