An enterprise of any organizational and legal form must form an authorized capital before starting operations and for state registration. To form the authorized capital, it is necessary to open a bank account.
We will open a bank account, in foreign or national currencies, and form the authorized capital of the enterprise.
A bank account is opened by a bank for legal entities or individuals for their participation in non-cash money circulation and accumulation of non-cash funds on the account for targeted use. With its help, banks register the presence and movement of customer funds.
Documents for opening a bank account
To open an account, the bank must submit:
- identity document
- conclude an agreement on opening a bank account
- issue a signature sample card at the notary's office
Banks, in accordance with the bank account agreement, undertake to accept funds received by the client - the owner of the account, to fulfill the client's instructions for transfers and issuance of the relevant amounts and to carry out other operations arising from the agreement.
Types of bank accounts
There are a significant number of types of bank accounts:
- a credit account, on which payments can be made on credit within the limit agreed by the bank and the client;
- a currency account where all credits, transfers and withdrawals of funds in the relevant currency are kept;
- current account for the formation of the authorized capital of a legal entity, etc.
Authorized capital
We will advise you on the size of the authorized capital, the procedure/sources for the formation and change of the authorized capital of an enterprise of any form of ownership.
The authorized capital is the financial resources of the enterprise in the form of cash or investments in property, material values, intangible assets, securities, which are assigned to the enterprise by the right of ownership or full economic management. At the expense of the authorized capital, the enterprise forms its own (fixed and working) funds.
The procedure and sources for the formation of authorized capital depend on the type of enterprise and the form of ownership on the basis of which it operates.
The size of the authorized capital of an enterprise largely determines the scale of its production and economic activities, although, of course, there is no direct relationship between the size of the authorized capital of enterprises in various industries and the volume of production of goods and services for them, because the latter is also determined by such factors as demand, supply and price of goods and services, amount of attracted loans and other borrowed financial resources. To a certain extent, the size of the authorized capital affects the possibilities of external financing, the business reputation of the enterprise.
The initial size of the authorized capital of the enterprise is fixed in the charter or memorandum of association, which must be submitted to the state registration authorities. All changes in the authorized capital must be documented.
Opening a bank account for the formation of authorized capital has its own characteristics, for example, if there is a non-resident among the founders or the funds for the formation of the account exist in foreign currency. These and other nuances affect, in particular, the duration of the procedure for opening an account and, accordingly, registering an enterprise. At the same time, the controlling state bodies (financial, tax), as well as banks constantly monitor the size of the authorized capital of each enterprise and ensure that it is properly paid.
We will help you deposit the authorized capital of the company to a bank account and, if necessary, register the company.