Compensation for harm, loss, damage is directly related to the establishment of the guilt of their inflictor, without which compensation to the victim is impossible. It is very difficult to establish and prove the guilt of the cause-and-effect relationship, as well as to calculate and justify the amount of harm, loss, and damage without the qualified assistance of a lawyer or lawyer.
Our lawyers/attorneys will provide legal assistance in cases of:
- compensation for damages resulting from an accident
- compensation for damage as a result of damage to any type of property
- compensation for damage as a result of the bay of the apartment
- compensation for fire damage
- compensation for damage as a result of poor-quality performance of works/services
- compensation for damage caused by employees as a result of poor-quality performance of labor duties
- compensation for harm to health and life
- compensation for harm caused by illegal action / inaction and decision of the court, prosecutor, investigator, inquiry officer, body of inquiry, illegal / unjustified criminal prosecution, criminal prosecution, conviction, illegal selection of preventive measures in a criminal case, illegal arrest in an administrative case
- compensation for losses caused by illegal actions / inaction of state bodies, local governments, their officials
- compensation for losses caused by improper performance of contractual obligations
Everyone has the right to apply to the court for the protection of their personal non-property or property rights and interests.
Protection methods
Ways to protect civil rights and interests can be:
- compensation for property damage (losses)
- compensation for moral damage (non-property)
- other ways of compensation for property damage
What is a loss
Losses are:
- real damage - losses incurred by a person in connection with the destruction or damage of a thing, as well as expenses that a person has incurred or must incur in order to restore his violated right
- lost profit - income that a person could actually receive under normal circumstances if his right had not been violated
Moral injury
Moral harm is:
- in physical pain and suffering that an individual experiences in connection with an injury or other damage to health
- in mental suffering that an individual has experienced in connection with unlawful behavior against himself, members of his family or close relatives
- in mental suffering that an individual has experienced in connection with the destruction or damage to his property
- in humiliation of the honor and dignity of an individual, as well as the business reputation of an individual or legal entity
The amount of damages
Losses are reimbursed in full, unless the contract or law provides for compensation in a smaller or larger amount. The amount of lost profit, which must be compensated to the person whose right has been violated, cannot be less than the income received by the person who violated the right. Damage caused to property may be compensated in kind.
Moral damage is compensated regardless of the property damage subject to compensation, and is not related to the amount of this compensation. The amount of monetary compensation for moral damage is determined by the court depending on the nature of the offense, the depth of physical and mental suffering, the deterioration of the victim's abilities or depriving him of the opportunity to realize them, the degree of guilt of the person who caused moral damage, if guilt is the basis for compensation, as well as taking into account other circumstances of significant importance.
The amount and method of compensation for material damage or moral damage in each individual case varies depending on the circumstances of the case.
Our lawyers will help to adequately assess the damage, losses, harm and provide relevant evidence to the court in order to make a fair decision on the amount of compensation for the damage caused.